My Approach
I led Product Design and collaborated with a Product Manager, Engineer, and a UX Researcher on this project. When I joined, one of my first challenges was to understand the business and workiva platform. Time was not on my side, and I had one week to turn the game around.
My first focus was to start connecting with seniors and PM and research to understand the platform and virtual experiences, platform capabilities and what we could potentially achieve. I also studied Workiva Personas thoroughly. Workiva had its own design systems and guidelines, so I had to consider that too which helped me while creating Hi-Fi Prototype.
The engineers and I also dug into the current technical feasibility of the platform to determine which features we could use, dismiss, or what we would implement with minimum development debt.
Since the team was having a hard time with prioritizing the elements on the dashboard and their arrangement in previous conversations, my strategy was to design and conduct research with stakeholders and SMEs to brainstorm and work together towards a shared understanding.. This would allow me to dive into more discovery work and make informed decision later.
Turns out it was a great call. After the workshop , we had the clear idea about what elements and information our users felt important, allowing the team to ask more questions and go deeper into the Dashboards design. The workshop output assisted me in making the experience more personalized and also helped prioritizing the features.